
[100/12/6 系統公告] 線上錄音模組 NanoGong 升級至 4.2 版 , 解決因新版本 Java 安全性提昇, 舊版 NanoGong 無法儲存錄音檔問題.

[100/12/6 系統公告] 線上錄音模組 NanoGong 升級至 4.2 版 , 解決因新版本 Java 安全性提昇, 舊版 NanoGong 無法儲存錄音檔問題.

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[100/12/6 系統公告]  線上錄音模組 NanoGong 升級至 4.2 版 , 解決因新版本 Java 安全性提昇, 舊版 NanoGong 無法儲存錄音檔問題.

Since the version of Java Runtime Environment 6 update 24 (March 2011) a security checking has been included in Java which means that any Web page script does not have the permission to run privileged code in Java applets.

Therefore ANY signed Java applet which uses Web page scripting such as JavaScript may not work under this Java version because of this newly added security checking.

A standalone NanoGong applet does not use any JavaScript at all and therefore it should work fine without any problem. However, when the NanoGong applet is used together with JavaScript, i.e. when NanoGong is used in Moodle or with the NanoGong Scripting API, it may not function as expected.

We have included fixes for this problem in NanoGong version 4.1. If you have experienced a problem after upgrading your Java environment you are advised to download the NanoGong version 4.1.

If you want to know which version of Java Runtime Environment your computer is using you can go to this page: http://gong.ust.hk/nanogong/try_javatest.html.