
一、課程目標Course objectives:
This course will introduce important concepts and tools of software engineering. Students are expected to learn to use the knowledge and methods in their group project of the course.
The topics covered in this course include software development processes, object-oriented analysis and design, UML modeling, software testing, and fundamentals of software project management.
By following the course topics and term projects, students could practice the following core competences of Information Management in this course:
團隊合作與溝通協調能力 (Abilities to team work, communication, and coordination)
資訊技術應用與創新能力 (Abilities to apply information technology on innovated applications)


二、師生晤談時間及地點 Instructor office hours:
Tue. 2:pm-4:00pm or by appointment. Room 5105, College of Management

三、授課方式 Teaching approach:
This course will integrate course lectures and a group-based term project throughout the semester.
In addition, there will be an option in the course to teach partially in English. This option and the proportion of time to be used will be jointly determined by the class participants in the first week's class.

四、評量方式Grading criteria:(含評量項目及所佔比例,請運用多元評量)
Mid-Term Exam. 25%,
Group Projects. 50%,
Assignments, In-Class Exercises, and Class Participation 25%

五、參考書目Textbook & references:(酌列作者姓名、出版年份、書名、出版書局等資料)
** Text Book:
Course materials adopted from the Software Engineering Consortium.
The materials will be posted on Moodle

** Suggested Readings:
Ian Sommerville (2011), Software Engineering 9th edition, Pearson.
Roger S. Pressman (2005), Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approach, 6th edition. McGraw-Hill.
Timothy C. Lethbridge, Robert Laganiere(2005), Object-Oriented Software Engineering 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill.
傑拉爾德.溫伯格(2006), 溫伯格的軟體管理學:系統化思考(第1卷) (Quality Software Management, Volume 1: Systems Thinking),曾昭屏 譯, 經濟新潮社
Peter Checkland (1999). Systems Thinking, Systems Practice. Wiley.

Course schedule (week, topic, activities, evaluation/assignment, text, etc.):
**Tentative Course Schedule: (Subject to change, please check the latest announcements on Moodle)
Week 1: Course introduction, General introduction to software engineering, Lecture
Week 2: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Lecture, In class exercise
Week 3: Requirement Engineering, Lecture, In class exercise, Group Assignment
Week 4: Modeling with Classes: UML, Lecture, In class exercise
Week 5: Modeling with Classes: Interactions and Behavior, Lecture, In class exercise
Week 6: Modeling with Classes: Design Patterns, Lecture, In class exercise, Assignment
Week 7: Web-based system development practices, , Lecture, In class exercise
Week 8: Source version control and Subversion, Lecture, In class exercise
Week 9: Mid-term Examination, In class exam, open book
Week 10: System Architecture Design, Lecture, In class exercise
Week 11: Software Testing and Inspection, Lecture, In class exercise
Week 12: Test Plan and Test Cases, Lecture, In class exercise, assignment
Week 13: Testing Report and Analysis, Lecture, In class exercise
Week 14: Software Projects and Management, Lecture, In class exercise
Week 15: Web Services Software Engineering, Lecture, In class exercise
Week 16: Invited speaker, Lecture & discussion, assignment
Week 17: Final Examination, In class exam, open book
Week 18: Term-Project Presentation, in class presentation, peer review

七、TA協助事項Teaching Assistant tasks:
1. Prepare system requirement details and act as interviewees
2. Provide guidance to term projects
3. Review assignments
4. TA hours for questions





培養學生團隊合作與溝通協調能力(學士班)之教學活動:1,2,3,8 (Group-based term project)
培養學生團隊合作與溝通協調能力(學士班)之評量方法: 2,3 (Peers evaluation)

培養學生資訊技術應用與創新能力(學士班)之教學活動:1,2,8 (Group-based term project)
培養學生資訊技術應用與創新能力(學士班)之評量方法:1,2,3 (Peers evaluation)
最後修改: 2017年 02月 4日(週六) 05:31