
一、課程目標Course objectives
This course is designed for the second to fourth year undergraduate students in economics majors. The main objective of managerial economics is to apply microeconomic analysis to decision making in a wide variety of managerial settings. This course will focus on understanding individual economic behavior, competition, and market characteristics that are relevant to business and management. Through this course, we hope students can learn the analytical tools to solve business problems and develop managerial insights in a formal economic framework.

二、師生晤談時間及地點Instructor office hours:
Tuesdays 1-2, 5-6pm Mgmt Bldg R5103
Phone: 049-2910960 ext. 4619
Email: hhchiu@ncnu.edu.tw

三、授課方式Teaching approach:
Lecture and classroom discussions

四、評量方式Grading criteria:
Group project 30 points
Midterm exam 50 points
Final exam 50 points

五、參考書目Textbook & references:

Png, Ivan (2012), Managerial Economics, 4th edition, Routledge.

Kreps, David (2004), Microeconomics for Managers, W. W. Norton & Company.

Boyer, Michael (2009), Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, 7th edition, McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

六、教學進度(週次、授課主題、教學活動、評量方式/作業、章節)Course outline

Part 1: introduction and basic concepts (3 weeks)
Introduction, Demand, Elasticity, Supply, Averages and Margins (Png ch 1-4, Kreps ch 8)

Part 2: Competitive Markets and efficiency (3 weeks)
Competitive market: perfect Competition, market equilibrium, supply shift, demand Shift, calculating equilibrium changes, adjustment time. (Png ch5, Kreps ch 11)

Economic Efficiency: conditions for economic efficiency, invisible hand, decentralized management, price ceilings, price floors (Png ch 6, Kreps ch 12)

Part 3: Market Power and pricing (3 weeks)
Market power: sources of market power, monopoly pricing, demand and cost changes, advertising, restraining competition. (Png ch 8, Kreps ch 7 )

Pricing policy: uniform pricing, complete price discrimination, direct segment discrimination, indirect segment discrimination, bundling. (Png ch9, Kreps ch 7)

Part 4: Game theory and strategic thinking (3 weeks)
Non-cooperative Game theory and strategic Thinking: modeling situation as games, dominant strategy, Nash equilibrium, backward induction in extensive form games (Png ch 10, Kreps ch 21)

Part 5: Externalities, information, and incentives (4 weeks)
Externalities: resolving externalities, network effects and externalities, public goods, excludability. (Png ch 11, Kreps ch 14)

Asymmetric Information Adverse Selection: screening, auctions, signaling, contingent payments (Png ch 12, Kreps ch 18)

Incentives and Organizations: moral hazard, multiple responsibilities, holdup, ownership (Png ch 13, Krpes ch 19)

七、TA協助事項Teaching Assistant tasks
Grading homework and exams

最後修改: 2014年 07月 6日(週日) 18:31