
[99/03/30 系統公告] 暨大課程資訊網(NCNU Moodle) 已升級至 Moodle 1.9.8+

Hình của admin 簡文章
[99/03/30 系統公告] 暨大課程資訊網(NCNU Moodle) 已升級至 Moodle 1.9.8+
Bởi admin 簡文章 - Thứ Ba, 30 Tháng Ba 2010, 8:22 SA

[99/03/30 系統公告] 暨大課程資訊網(NCNU Moodle) 已升級至 Moodle 1.9.8+


Moodle 1.9.8 release notes

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Release date: 25th March 2010

Here is the full list of fixed issues in 1.9.8.



Special notes

  • If you are using an unusual authentication mechanism then you may experience problems with sessions, and be unable to log in. If this happens to you, add the following to your config.php to make login work:
$CFG->regenloginsession = false; 


Security issues

To be released later

New language packs

  • Asturian - Xosé Nel Caldevilla Vega
  • Zulu - iCyber E-Learning Solutions

(See Translation credits for additional details.)